Central Events in Technology

Murray, C.A. (2003) Human accomplishment the pursuit of excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950. HarperCollins Publishers.
400 BCEChina, EgyptFirst known use of the abacus.
270 BCEGreeceSostrates builds the first known lighthouse, the Pharos of Alexandria.
245 BCELevantFirst known glass blowing.
200 BCEAsia MinorFirst known use of parchment.
1ChinaChinese engineers invent the sternpost rudder, enabling efficient steering of large vessels.
100ChinaFirst known use of paper for writing (earlier versions had been used for packing and other purposes).
250ChinaFirst gunpowder (date uncertain).
300ChinaFirst known use of stirrups.
984ChinaChinese engineers invent locks for canals.
1045ChinaBi Sheng invents movable type, reinvented by Gutenberg in Germany, 1440.
1502GermanyPeter Henlein invents the mainspring in a pocket watch (and invents the pocket watch itself).
1556GermanyGeorgius Agricola's De re Metallica is for centuries the best text on mining.
1589EnglandWilliam Lee invents the stocking frame, the basis for all subsequent knitting and lace-making machines.
1603EnglandHugh Platt discovers coke, essential to steel production.
1622EnglandWilliam Oughtred invents the slide rule by repositioning Gunters scales.
1642FranceBlaise Pascal invents a calculating machine, the Pascaline, that can handle up to nine-digit numbers.
1656NetherlandsChristiaan Huygens invents the pendulum escapement and thereby invents the pendulum clock.
1679FranceDenis Papin invents the pressure cooker.
1690FranceDenis Papin invents the atmospheric engine, pioneering many design principles of the steam engine.
1693GermanyGottfried von Leibniz invents an improved calculator for multiplication and division.
1698EnglandThomas Savery invents the Miner’s Friend, a practical atmospheric steam engine without a piston.
1699EnglandJethro Tull invents the modern seed drill.
1709EnglandAbraham Darby successfully uses coke in iron smelting.
1712EnglandThomas Newcomen uses steam to push a piston.
1731EnglandJohn Hadley invents the reflecting octant, precursor of the modern sextant, which follows in 1757.
1733EnglandJohn Kay invents flying shuttle, an important step toward automatic weaving.
1740EnglandBenjamin Huntsman develops the crucible method for making homogeneous steel (Sheffield steel), with high tensile strength.
1742USABenjamin Franklin invents the Franklin stove, a major improvement in heating efficiency.
1750USABenjamin Franklin invents the lightning rod.
1764EnglandJames Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny, which does the work of 30 spinning wheels.
1764ScotlandJames Watt invents the condenser, employing latent heat to improve the efficiency of the steam engine, the first of several improvements that create the modern steam engine.
1765EnglandJohn Harrison completes 40 years of refinement of an accurate ship’s chronometer, enabling the determination of longitude and revolutionizing navigational techniques.
1769EnglandRichard Arkwright invents the water frame, a waterwheel-driven device that powers multiple spinning machines and a foundation of the modern factory system.
1770EnglandRichard Arkwright, Samuel Need, and Jedediah Strutt open a water-driven mill at Cromford, the start of the factory system.
1776EnglandJohn Wilkinson invents the first precision boring machine, essential for the manufacture of cylinders for steam engines.
1779EnglandAbraham Darby III and John Wilkinson build an all-iron bridge at Coalbrookdale.
1781ScotlandJames Watt invents a governor for a steam engine and uses a sun-and-planet gear to use a steam engine to drive a wheel.
1782Scotland, EnglandJames Watt and Jonathan Hornblower invent a double-acting steam engine in which steam is admitted alternatively on both sides of the piston.
1783FranceL. S. Lenormand, Jean Blanchard, and Andre Gernerin invent the first parachute capable of carrying a human.
1783FranceThe Montgolfier brothers conduct the first manned flight of a hot air balloon.
1785FranceClaude Berthollet invents chemical bleach (chlorine and potash).
1785USAOliver Evans invents an elevator to move grain, automating the process and requiring only two workers.
1787USAJohn Fitch invents a working steamboat.
1793USAEli Whitney invents the cotton gin, revolutionizing the economics of cotton production.
1795FranceNicolas Appert discovers that food can be preserved by heating, leading to the invention of canned food.
1796BohemiaAloys Senefelder invents lithography.
1800ItalyAlessandro Volta invents the voltaic cell, the first battery.
1804EnglandRichard Trevithick uses a steam locomotive on rails to pull iron from an ironworks to the Glamorgan canal.
1805FranceJoseph-Marie Jacquard invents punch cards to create patterns with the Jacquard loom, the first nonalphabetic means of storing information.
1807USARobert Fulton builds the first commercially successful steamboat.
1814EnglandGeorge Stephenson invents a practical steam locomotive.
1815ScotlandJohn McAdam invents the modern paved road.
1820USA, ScotlandCyrus McCormick, Obed Hussey, and Patrick Bell invent independent versions of the mechanical reaper in the course of the decade.
1822FranceJoseph Niepce creates the first permanent photograph.
1824EnglandJoseph Aspdin invents Portland cement.
1825EnglandStephenson begins the first rail service using a steam locomotive.
1831EnglandMichael Faraday invents the electric generator.
1831USAJoseph Henry invents a practical electric motor.
1833EnglandCharles Babbage designs an “analytic engine,” programmed by punch cards, that is the conceptual origin of the computer.
1835USASamuel Colt invents the Colt revolver.
1836EnglandJohn Daniell invents the Daniell cell, the first modern battery.
1830USA EnglandWilliam Cooke, Charles Wheatstone, and Samuel Morse independently invent the telegraph in the course of the decade.
1839EnglandWilliam Grove invents the fuel cell, producing electricity by combining hydrogen and oxygen.
1839FranceLouis Daguerre invents the camera and plates that make photography practical.
1839ScotlandKirkpatrick Macmillan invents the first true bicycle.
1839USACharles Goodyear invents vulcanization, revolutionizing the utility of rubber.
1841EnglandWilliam Fox-Talbot invents a photographic negative that permits unlimited paper positives.
1842EnglandJohn Lawes invents the first chemical fertilizer.
1843EnglandIsambard Brunel builds a propeller-driven, iron, transatlantic liner.
1843EnglandJohn Lawes founds the Rothamsted Experimental Station for improving agricultural production, introducing rigorous experimental procedures and field trials.
1844USASamuel Morse creates the first functioning telegraph line, from Washington to Baltimore.
1845GermanyChristian Schonbein invents nitrocellulose, or gun cotton.
1846USAElias Howe invents a two-thread, lock-stitch sewing machine.
1847ItalyAscanio Sobrero prepares nitroglycerine.
1851USAIsaac Singer invents an improved sewing machine with treadle and lock stitch.
1852FranceHenri Gifford conducts the first successful flight of a powered airship (a steam powered dirigible).
1852FranceJean Foucault invents a gyroscope that can be used as a substitute for a magnetic compass.
1852USAElisha Otis invents the safety elevator.
1853EnglandAbraham Gesner and James Young invent kerosene.
1853EnglandGeorge Cayley invents a glider that accomplishes the first unpowered, manned flight in a heavier-than-air vehicle.
1854France, GermanyRobert Bunsen and Henri St.Claire Deville develop an electrolytic process for obtaining metallic aluminum from sodium aluminum chloride.
1856England, USAHenry Bessemer and William Kelly invent the Bessemer process for manufacturing steel.
1856EnglandWilliam Perkin invents a synthetic dye (mauve), founding the synthetic organic chemical industry.
1859FranceGaston Plante invents the rechargeable storage battery.
1859USAEdwin Drake drills the first successful oil well, in Titusville, Pennsylvania.
1859USAGeorge Pullman invents the sleeping car.
1860FranceJean Lenoir invents a practical internal combustion engine.
1861FranceEugene Mieyer and Pierre Michaux invent the chain-driven bicycle.
1865EnglandAlexander Parkes creates laboratory samples of celluloid.
1865USALinus Yale invents the pin-tumbler cylinder lock.
1866SwedenAlfred Nobel invents dynamite.
1866USACyrus Field lays the first successful transatlantic telegraph cable.
1867FranceGeorges Leclanche invents the forerunner of an easily manufactured dry cell battery.
1867USACarlos Glidden and Christopher Sholes invent the first commercially practical typewriter.
1868USAGeorge Westinghouse invents an automatic air brake for railroad cars.
1869BelgiumZenobe Gramme and Ernst Siemens develop and manufacture a DC dynamo.
1869FranceFerdinand de Lesseps supervises the design and construction of the Suez Canal.
1869USAJohn Hyatt invents a commercially successful plastic (celluloid).
1876GermanyNikolaus Otto invents the four-stroke cycle basic to modern combustion engines.
1876USAAlexander Bell and Elisha Gray independently invent the telephone.
1877USAThomas Edison invents the phonograph.
1878USA, EnglandThomas Edison and Joseph Swan independently invent the carbon filament incandescent bulb.
1880USAHerman Hollerith invents the first workable electromechanical calculator, used to automate tabulation of the 1890 U.S. Census.
1883FranceLouis de Chardonnet invents the first synthetic fabric, rayon.
1883USANikola Tesla invents a motor using alternating current.
1884EnglandCharles Parsons invents a successful steam turbine.
1884USALewis Waterman invents the free-flowing fountain pen.
1884USAOttmar Mergenthaler invents the linotype machine.
1885GermanyCarl Benz invents the first true automobile.
1885USAWilliam Stanley invents a transformer for shifting voltage and amperage.
1886France, USACharles Hall and Paul Heroult invent an inexpensive method for extracting aluminum.
1887ScotlandJohn Dunlop invents the pneumatic rubber tire.
1888USAGeorge Eastman invents the Kodak camera.
1889EnglandFrederick Abel and James Dewar invent cordite, leading to smokeless gunpowder.
1889USAThomas Edison invents the motion picture camera.
1891USAEdward Acheson invents carborundum, the first industrial abrasive.
1892GermanyRudolf Diesel invents the diesel engine.
1900GermanyFerdinand Zeppelin begins the first airline, using rigid airships.
1901ItalyGuglielmo Marconi broadcasts radio waves from England to Newfoundland.
1903USAThe Wright brothers’ airplane achieves the first successful powered flight by a heavier-than-air machine.
1904USAJohn Fleming invents the rectifier, the first radio tube.
1906USALee De Forest invents the amplifier vacuum tube.
1908GermanyFritz Haber invents a process, later perfected by Carl Bosch, for mass production of nitrates, which in turn permits mass production of fertilizers (and explosives).
1908USAHenry Ford invents the assembly line.
1909USA, ScotlandLeo Baekeland and James Swinburne independently invent a thermosetting plastic.
1911SwitzerlandJacques Brandenberge invents cellophane.
1911USA, GermanyElmer Sperry and Hermann Anschutz-Kampfer independently invent the gyrocompass.
1911USACharles Kettering invents an electric starter for cars.
1912GermanyFriedrich Bergius invents a process to produce gasoline from coal hydrogenation.
1914USAThe Panama Canal is completed.
1917USAClarence Birdseye and Charles Seabrook invent a technique for quick-freezing foods, founding the frozen food industry.
1918USAEdwin Armstrong invents the superheterodyne receiver, making home radio receivers possible.
1921USAThomas Midgley, Jr., invents tetraethyl lead, an anti-knock compound for gasoline.
1923USAVladimir Zworykin invents the iconoscope, the precursor of the television tube.
1926USARobert Goddard invents the liquid-fuel rocket.
1926USASamuel Warner introduces a motion picture system that integrates sound into the film.
1927USACharles Lindbergh pilots the first nonstop flight from the United States to continental Europe.
1929GermanyFritz Pfleumer invents magnetic recording of sound.
1929USAEdwin Armstrong invents frequency modulation (FM), a method of transmitting radio waves without static; perfected in 1933.
1930EnglandFrank Whittle invents the jet engine.
1930USAThomas Midgley, Jr., discovers freon, the refrigerant.
1930USAVannevar Bush invents a machine capable of solving differential equations.
1931USAWallace Carothers invents nylon
1932USAEdwin Land invents a synthetic substance that will polarize light, leading to the first synthetic light-polarizing film.
1935ScotlandRobert Watson-Watt invents a way to display radio wave information on a cathode ray tube, enabling the development of radar.
1936USA, GermanyIgor Sikorsky and Heinrich Foch independently invent a successful helicopter.
1938USARoy Plunkett invents Teflon.
1938USAThe Biro brothers invent the first workable ballpoint pen.
1939GermanyHans Ohain designs the first successful jet plane.
1939SwitzerlandPaul Muller discovers the insecticidal properties of DDT.
1940USAGeorge Stibitz invents the Complex Number Calculator, the first machine to service more than one terminal and to be used via a remote location.
1943FranceJacques Cousteau and Emile Gagnan invent the aqualung.
1943USAMartin Whitaker and Eugene Wigner lead the construction of the first operational nuclear reactor.
1945EnglandArthur Clarke conceptualizes the use of satellites for global communication.
1946USAENIAC, the first entirely electronic computer, developed by John Eckert, John Mauchly, Arthur Burks, and John von Neumann, becomes fully operational.
1946USAArthur Burks, John von Neumann, and Herman Goldstine’s “Preliminary Discussion of the Logical Design of an Electronic Computing Instrument” provides the conceptual foundation for computer development in the coming decades.
1947USACharles Yeager pilots the first supersonic flight.
1947USAEdwin Land, Howard Rogers, and William McCune invent the Polaroid camera.
1948USAJohn Bardeen, Walter Houser, and William Shockley invent the transistor.
1948USAPeter Goldmark invents the long-playing record.
1950EnglandAlan Turing creates the Turing test, establishing a criterion for judging artificial intelligence.