Central Events in Medicine

Murray, C.A. (2003) Human accomplishment the pursuit of excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950. HarperCollins Publishers.
400 BCEGreeceHippocrates and his followers develop the empirical study of disease, distancing medicine from religion.
20RomeCelsus’s De Medicina is one of earliest medical texts and is used for centuries.
70RomeDioscorides’s De Materia Medica, covering 600 plants and 1,000 drugs, is the first systematic pharmacopoeia.
180GreeceGalen writes medical texts that are treated as authoritative for the next 13 centuries.
1320FranceHenry of Mondeville’s Chirurgia advocates use of sutures, cleans­ing of wounds, limitation of supperation, and wine dressing for wounds.
1530GermanyParacelsus pioneers the application of chemistry to physi­ology, pathology, and the treatment of disease.
1538ItalyGirolamo Fracastero’s De Contagione et Contagiosis Morbis is the first explanation of the spread of infectious disease that invokes analogues of microbes or germs as a cause.
1545FranceAmbroise Pare’s Methode de Traicter les Plaies discourages the prac­tice of cauterizing wounds and introduces ligature for stopping arterial bleeding.
1665EnglandRichard Lower attempts the first blood transfusion, between dogs.
1710FranceDominique Anel invents the suction syringe for surgical purposes.
1736EnglandClaudius Aymand conducts the first successful appendectomy.
1747ScotlandJames Lind uses a controlled dietary study to establish that citrus causes scurvy.
1761AustriaLeopold Auenbrugger introduces the use of percussion for med­ical diagnosis.
1775EnglandWilliam Withering discovers digitalis.
1776EnglandMatthew Dobson proves that the sweetness of diabetics’ urine is caused by the presence of sugar.
1784USABenjamin Franklin invents bifocal lenses.
1796EnglandEdward Jenner systematizes vaccination for smallpox, founding immunology.
1800EnglandHumphrey Davy explores the physiological properties of nitrous oxide and recommends its use as an anesthetic.
1801FrancePhilippe Pinel’s Traite Medico-Philosophique sur I’Alienation Mentale on la Manie is an early and influential empirical study of mental illness.
1816FranceRene Laennec invents the stethoscope.
1831Germany, France, USAJustis von Liebig, Eugene Soubeiran, and later, Samuel Guthrie, independently prepare chloroform.
1846USAWilliam Morton popularizes the use of ether through a demonstration at Massachusetts General Hospital.
1847Germany, USAIgnaz Semmelweiss and the elder Oliver Wendell Holmes independently argue that puerperal fever is a contagious disease caused by attending physicians.
1849EnglandJohn Snow uses epidemiological data to demonstrate that cholera is spread by contaminated water.
1849EnglandThomas Addison describes the disease of the adrenal glands known as Addison’s disease.
1851GermanyHermann Helmholtz invents the ophthalmoscope.
1853Scotland, FranceAlexander Wood and Charles Pravaz invent the hypodermic syringe.
1854EnglandFlorence Nightingale founds modern nursing practice.
1856FranceLouis Pasteur invents pasteurization.
1862FranceLouis Pasteur gains acceptance for the germ theory of disease, transforming the course of medical research and practice.
1863FranceCasimir Davaine discovers the microorganism that causes anthrax, the first linkage of a disease with a specific microorganism.
1863GermanyJohann Baeyer discovers barbituric acid, the first barbiturate.
1865EnglandJoseph Lister introduces phenol as a disinfectant in surgery, reducing the death rate from 45 to 15 percent.
1865FranceClaude Bernard's Introduction a l’Etude de la Medecine Experimental is instrumental in establishing medicine as a science with observation, hypothesis, and experimentation.
1874USAAndrew Still discovers that dislocations of the vertebrae are a source of disease, founding osteopathy.
1876GermanyRobert Koch demonstrates that bacilli are the cause of anthrax.
1881FranceLouis Pasteur invents anthrax inoculation, the first effective treatment of an infectious disease with an antibacterial vaccine.
1881AustriaChristian Billroth successfully excises a cancerous pylorus, beginning intestinal surgery; sometimes said to be the beginning of the modern era of surgery.
1881GermanyRobert Koch introduces steam sterilization.
1881USAWilliam Halsted conducts the first known human blood transfusion.
1882GermanyRobert Koch isolates the tubercle bacillus.
1884AustriaSigmund Freud and Carl Koller use cocaine as a local anesthetic.
1884EnglandRickman Godlee surgically removes a brain tumor.
1884GermanyEdwin Klebs and Friedrich Loffler isolate the bacterium for diphtheria and identify it as the causative agent.
1885FranceLouis Pasteur invents a rabies vaccine.
1887FranceAugustus Waller records the electrical activity of the heart, founding electrocardiology.
1890GermanyEmil von Behring develops the first antitoxin, for tetanus.
1891Germany, Japan, FranceEmil von Behring, Kitasato Shibasaburo, and Emile Roux develop an antitoxin for diphtheria.
1893USADaniel Williams conducts the first successful heart surgery on a human.
1896GermanyHermann Strauss introduces X-rays for diagnostic purposes.
1896GermanyLudwig Rehn successfully sutures a wound in a human heart.
1896ItalyScipione Riva-Rocci invents the mercury sphygmomanometer, the precursor of modern version.
1896NetherlandsChristiaan Eijkman discovers that beriberi is caused by a dietary deficiency.
1897EnglandRonald Ross discovers the malaria parasite in the anopheles mosquito.
1899SwedenTage Sjogren achieves the first proven cure of a patient by X-ray treatment.
1901NetherlandsGerrit Grijns discovers that the cause of beriberi is removal of an essential nutrient in polished rice.
1902USAAlexis Carrel introduces suturing for blood vessels.
1903NetherlandsWillem Einthoven invents the forerunner of the electrocardiogram.
1904GermanyAlfred Einhorn invents Novocaine.
1905GermanyFritz Schaudinn and Erich Hoffmann discover the spirocheta pallida, the cause of syphilis.
1906EnglandFrederick Hopkins discovers that food contains ingredients essential to life that are not proteins or carbohydrates, leading to the discovery of vitamins.
1909Germany, JapanPaul Ehrlich and Sahachiro Hata discover salvarsan, an effective treatment for syphilis, founding modern chemotherapy.
1910USAFrank Woodbury introduces iodine as a disinfectant for wounds.
1911USARussell Hibbs conducts a successful spinal fusion operation.
1913USAElmer McCollum and Marguerite Davis discover and isolate vitamin A.
1915JapanK. Yamagiwa and K. Ichikawa identify the first carcinogen by exposing rabbits to coal tar.
1916USAJay McLean discovers the anti-coagulant heparin.
1920USAHarvey Cushing and W. T. Bowie introduce cauterization of blood vessels in surgery.
1921CanadaFrederick Banting, Charles Best, and James Collip invent a method for isolating insulin and injecting it in patients.
1921USAElmer McCollum and Edward Mellanby discover an antiricketic substance in cod liver oil and name it vitamin D.
1926USAGeorge Minot and William Murphy successfully treat pernicious anemia with liver.
1928EnglandAlexander Fleming discovers penicillin, the first antibiotic.
1928USAGeorge Papanicolaou invents the pap test for diagnosing uterine cancer.
1929USAPhilip Drinker, Louis Shaw, and Alexis Carrel invent an artificial respirator (the iron lung).
1932GermanyGerhard Domagk discovers that prontosil has antibacterial properties.
1934USAJohn and Mary Gibbon invent a heart-lung machine.
1938EnglandPhilip Wiles conducts a total artificial hip replacement, using stainless steel.
1939EnglandHoward Florey and Ernst Chain isolate the antibacterial agent in penicillin mold.
1939USAKarl Landsteiner, Philip Levine, and Alexander Weiner discover the connection between the RH factor and pathology in newborns.
1941USA, GermanyAndre Cournand, Werne Forssmann, and Dickinson Richards introduce cardiac catheterization.
1943USASelman Waksman, William Feldman, and Corwin Hinshaw discover streptomycin, the first antibiotic effective in treating tuberculosis.
1943USAWillem Kolff invents the dialysis machine.
1944USAAlfred Blalock, Helen Taussig, Vivien Thomas, and Edgar Sanford conduct the first “blue baby” operation, correcting the blood supply to the lungs of an infant.
1945USAJohn Frisch and Francis Bull initiate the fluoridation of water.
1948USABenjamin Duggar and Albert Dornbush discover the tetracycline group of antibiotics.
1950USARichard Lawler conducts a successful kidney transplant between two live humans.