Central Events in Medicine
Year | Country | Event |
400 BCE | Greece | Hippocrates and his followers develop the empirical study of disease, distancing medicine from religion. |
20 | Rome | Celsus’s De Medicina is one of earliest medical texts and is used for centuries. |
70 | Rome | Dioscorides’s De Materia Medica, covering 600 plants and 1,000 drugs, is the first systematic pharmacopoeia. |
180 | Greece | Galen writes medical texts that are treated as authoritative for the next 13 centuries. |
1320 | France | Henry of Mondeville’s Chirurgia advocates use of sutures, cleansing of wounds, limitation of supperation, and wine dressing for wounds. |
1530 | Germany | Paracelsus pioneers the application of chemistry to physiology, pathology, and the treatment of disease. |
1538 | Italy | Girolamo Fracastero’s De Contagione et Contagiosis Morbis is the first explanation of the spread of infectious disease that invokes analogues of microbes or germs as a cause. |
1545 | France | Ambroise Pare’s Methode de Traicter les Plaies discourages the practice of cauterizing wounds and introduces ligature for stopping arterial bleeding. |
1665 | England | Richard Lower attempts the first blood transfusion, between dogs. |
1710 | France | Dominique Anel invents the suction syringe for surgical purposes. |
1736 | England | Claudius Aymand conducts the first successful appendectomy. |
1747 | Scotland | James Lind uses a controlled dietary study to establish that citrus causes scurvy. |
1761 | Austria | Leopold Auenbrugger introduces the use of percussion for medical diagnosis. |
1775 | England | William Withering discovers digitalis. |
1776 | England | Matthew Dobson proves that the sweetness of diabetics’ urine is caused by the presence of sugar. |
1784 | USA | Benjamin Franklin invents bifocal lenses. |
1796 | England | Edward Jenner systematizes vaccination for smallpox, founding immunology. |
1800 | England | Humphrey Davy explores the physiological properties of nitrous oxide and recommends its use as an anesthetic. |
1801 | France | Philippe Pinel’s Traite Medico-Philosophique sur I’Alienation Mentale on la Manie is an early and influential empirical study of mental illness. |
1816 | France | Rene Laennec invents the stethoscope. |
1831 | Germany, France, USA | Justis von Liebig, Eugene Soubeiran, and later, Samuel Guthrie, independently prepare chloroform. |
1846 | USA | William Morton popularizes the use of ether through a demonstration at Massachusetts General Hospital. |
1847 | Germany, USA | Ignaz Semmelweiss and the elder Oliver Wendell Holmes independently argue that puerperal fever is a contagious disease caused by attending physicians. |
1849 | England | John Snow uses epidemiological data to demonstrate that cholera is spread by contaminated water. |
1849 | England | Thomas Addison describes the disease of the adrenal glands known as Addison’s disease. |
1851 | Germany | Hermann Helmholtz invents the ophthalmoscope. |
1853 | Scotland, France | Alexander Wood and Charles Pravaz invent the hypodermic syringe. |
1854 | England | Florence Nightingale founds modern nursing practice. |
1856 | France | Louis Pasteur invents pasteurization. |
1862 | France | Louis Pasteur gains acceptance for the germ theory of disease, transforming the course of medical research and practice. |
1863 | France | Casimir Davaine discovers the microorganism that causes anthrax, the first linkage of a disease with a specific microorganism. |
1863 | Germany | Johann Baeyer discovers barbituric acid, the first barbiturate. |
1865 | England | Joseph Lister introduces phenol as a disinfectant in surgery, reducing the death rate from 45 to 15 percent. |
1865 | France | Claude Bernard's Introduction a l’Etude de la Medecine Experimental is instrumental in establishing medicine as a science with observation, hypothesis, and experimentation. |
1874 | USA | Andrew Still discovers that dislocations of the vertebrae are a source of disease, founding osteopathy. |
1876 | Germany | Robert Koch demonstrates that bacilli are the cause of anthrax. |
1881 | France | Louis Pasteur invents anthrax inoculation, the first effective treatment of an infectious disease with an antibacterial vaccine. |
1881 | Austria | Christian Billroth successfully excises a cancerous pylorus, beginning intestinal surgery; sometimes said to be the beginning of the modern era of surgery. |
1881 | Germany | Robert Koch introduces steam sterilization. |
1881 | USA | William Halsted conducts the first known human blood transfusion. |
1882 | Germany | Robert Koch isolates the tubercle bacillus. |
1884 | Austria | Sigmund Freud and Carl Koller use cocaine as a local anesthetic. |
1884 | England | Rickman Godlee surgically removes a brain tumor. |
1884 | Germany | Edwin Klebs and Friedrich Loffler isolate the bacterium for diphtheria and identify it as the causative agent. |
1885 | France | Louis Pasteur invents a rabies vaccine. |
1887 | France | Augustus Waller records the electrical activity of the heart, founding electrocardiology. |
1890 | Germany | Emil von Behring develops the first antitoxin, for tetanus. |
1891 | Germany, Japan, France | Emil von Behring, Kitasato Shibasaburo, and Emile Roux develop an antitoxin for diphtheria. |
1893 | USA | Daniel Williams conducts the first successful heart surgery on a human. |
1896 | Germany | Hermann Strauss introduces X-rays for diagnostic purposes. |
1896 | Germany | Ludwig Rehn successfully sutures a wound in a human heart. |
1896 | Italy | Scipione Riva-Rocci invents the mercury sphygmomanometer, the precursor of modern version. |
1896 | Netherlands | Christiaan Eijkman discovers that beriberi is caused by a dietary deficiency. |
1897 | England | Ronald Ross discovers the malaria parasite in the anopheles mosquito. |
1899 | Sweden | Tage Sjogren achieves the first proven cure of a patient by X-ray treatment. |
1901 | Netherlands | Gerrit Grijns discovers that the cause of beriberi is removal of an essential nutrient in polished rice. |
1902 | USA | Alexis Carrel introduces suturing for blood vessels. |
1903 | Netherlands | Willem Einthoven invents the forerunner of the electrocardiogram. |
1904 | Germany | Alfred Einhorn invents Novocaine. |
1905 | Germany | Fritz Schaudinn and Erich Hoffmann discover the spirocheta pallida, the cause of syphilis. |
1906 | England | Frederick Hopkins discovers that food contains ingredients essential to life that are not proteins or carbohydrates, leading to the discovery of vitamins. |
1909 | Germany, Japan | Paul Ehrlich and Sahachiro Hata discover salvarsan, an effective treatment for syphilis, founding modern chemotherapy. |
1910 | USA | Frank Woodbury introduces iodine as a disinfectant for wounds. |
1911 | USA | Russell Hibbs conducts a successful spinal fusion operation. |
1913 | USA | Elmer McCollum and Marguerite Davis discover and isolate vitamin A. |
1915 | Japan | K. Yamagiwa and K. Ichikawa identify the first carcinogen by exposing rabbits to coal tar. |
1916 | USA | Jay McLean discovers the anti-coagulant heparin. |
1920 | USA | Harvey Cushing and W. T. Bowie introduce cauterization of blood vessels in surgery. |
1921 | Canada | Frederick Banting, Charles Best, and James Collip invent a method for isolating insulin and injecting it in patients. |
1921 | USA | Elmer McCollum and Edward Mellanby discover an antiricketic substance in cod liver oil and name it vitamin D. |
1926 | USA | George Minot and William Murphy successfully treat pernicious anemia with liver. |
1928 | England | Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin, the first antibiotic. |
1928 | USA | George Papanicolaou invents the pap test for diagnosing uterine cancer. |
1929 | USA | Philip Drinker, Louis Shaw, and Alexis Carrel invent an artificial respirator (the iron lung). |
1932 | Germany | Gerhard Domagk discovers that prontosil has antibacterial properties. |
1934 | USA | John and Mary Gibbon invent a heart-lung machine. |
1938 | England | Philip Wiles conducts a total artificial hip replacement, using stainless steel. |
1939 | England | Howard Florey and Ernst Chain isolate the antibacterial agent in penicillin mold. |
1939 | USA | Karl Landsteiner, Philip Levine, and Alexander Weiner discover the connection between the RH factor and pathology in newborns. |
1941 | USA, Germany | Andre Cournand, Werne Forssmann, and Dickinson Richards introduce cardiac catheterization. |
1943 | USA | Selman Waksman, William Feldman, and Corwin Hinshaw discover streptomycin, the first antibiotic effective in treating tuberculosis. |
1943 | USA | Willem Kolff invents the dialysis machine. |
1944 | USA | Alfred Blalock, Helen Taussig, Vivien Thomas, and Edgar Sanford conduct the first “blue baby” operation, correcting the blood supply to the lungs of an infant. |
1945 | USA | John Frisch and Francis Bull initiate the fluoridation of water. |
1948 | USA | Benjamin Duggar and Albert Dornbush discover the tetracycline group of antibiotics. |
1950 | USA | Richard Lawler conducts a successful kidney transplant between two live humans. |